When you have lived with chronic pain, you need a special kind of support. 

Our new OWL(Our Whole Lives) Program, hosted on the GEMINI platform, aims to help people with chronic pain who are feeling stress or pain-related symptoms.

As part of the research program, you may participate in online groups for 9 weeks. You will receive training in non-medication based skills such as mindfulness, and be asked to fill out questionnaires 4 times over 24 weeks.

This program is for individuals who are 18+ years old and have experienced chronic muscle or skeletal pain in any part of the body.

The OWL Curriculum: Engage with meaningful stress and mindfulness-related activities on an easy-to-use online platform  

Please talk to your health care provider or therapist about a referral to the OWL study or contact the program directly at the email below to see if you are eligible.

Learn more by emailing geministudy@challiance.org.

If you are interested in learning more about this study, please fill out our self-referral form by clicking here.